Blessed Hope Catechism Devotional (Q/A 10)

Blessed Hope Catechism Devotional (Q/A 10)


Who is like you, O LORD, among the gods?

Who is like you, majestic in holiness,

awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?” (Ex. 15:11)

Question 10: What does it mean that God is holy?

Answer: He is set apart from his creation, pure and without sin.


God is self sustaining. He was not created nor does He derive His existence from anyone or anything else. In this way He is set apart from his creation. There is simply no one like God. He alone is pure and without sin. He alone is immortal and eternal.


The uniqueness of God makes us keenly aware of our own imperfections and need for a Savior. For the believer, properly understanding the holiness of God should espouse a deeper and more intimate love for Him. Why? It is beyond human comprehension to properly understand all of who God is and yet He accommodates Himself to us. He does this for our benefit and His glory.


When you walk in the holiness of God you are walking in the shadow of His incomprehensibility, righteousness, love, purity, and infinity. You are walking in these things because as your Father He leads you towards Himself. As He leads you to Himself He is making you holy. In making you holy He is conforming you; making you in the image of Jesus. In fact the life a disciple is such that you increasingly put yourself to death and find life only in Christ. This is holiness.


*This devotional is inspired by the Advent Christian Blessed Hope Catechism. You can purchase a copy of that catechism on Amazon.


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