Blessed Hope Catechism Devotional (Q/A 9)

Blessed Hope Catechism Devotional (Q/A 9)


And one called to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!”” (Isa. 6:3)

Question 9: What is the defining attribute of God?

Answer: God is holy, holy, holy.


Oh my God who is holy, holy, holy. What have I ever done to deserve you, commune with you, and benefit from your love? I have done nothing and in your perfect plan you’ve saved me and clothed me with your righteousness. You have made me holy and continue to sanctify me, conforming me into the image of your Holy Son.


You alone are holy just like you alone have eternal life and immortality. However, this defining attribute is given to those who call upon you as Abba, who have the atoning sacrifice of the Son applied to their account, and hearts renewed by the Spirit. They are set apart, like Israel, as a holy nation. Like you my God we become, but unlike you our holiness isn’t inherent in our nature.


We are depraved wretches. We are at war with you and find our joy in the sin of this world. Ensnared by the lust for this life that leads to eternal death and destruction. Yet your Spirit convicts us, turns our hearts away from such things and towards you. At this moment we are made whole by the indwelling of the Spirit, we are made right with you through your Son, and we begin to long for your holiness and righteousness; confessing our sins to you, turning from our wicked ways and singing out our belief in the Son.


Friend, do you long for God? Do you find yourself encapsulated by the holiness of God?

*This devotional is inspired by the Advent Christian Blessed Hope Catechism. You can purchase a copy of that catechism on Amazon.

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