Blessed Hope Catechism (Q/A 13)

Blessed Hope Catechism (Q/A 13)


Question 13: Does God know all things?

Answer: Yes. Nothing can be hidden from God.


God knowing all things isn’t simply incidental to his being infinitely present. Knowledge and wisdom proceed from God as our Creator. Knowledge is a part of his nature as the one who works all things according to his will and plan. All knowledge then is inherently from God.


Therefore, when human wisdom is set over and against biblical wisdom we can recognize the absurdity of such a suggestion. Human wisdom either aligns with God’s Word explicitly or implicitly. God knows his plans for the world on a macro level and for your life on a micro level. We can pray to him asking for guidance, wisdom, and for our wills to conform to his.


Seeking the knowledge of God is a trait of a maturing disciple. But this knowledge comes from hearing the Lord. To hear the Lord one must seek him and learn him through the Scriptures. In times where wisdom and prudence are needed, and they are certainly needed, they must come from one who oozes God from their pores. God alone knows all things and to seek his knowledge must be an effort in true humility.


*This devotional is inspired by the Advent Christian Blessed Hope Catechism. You can purchase a copy of that catechism on Amazon.

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